
Experience More Ease at Every Stage of Your Life

We are often told that periods, pregnancy and menopause are always going to be painful or difficult. Many issues, though, are the result of hormonal imbalances and fluctuations that can be treated naturally with acupuncture, herbs, diet and lifestyle changes. Let’s work together to optimize your hormone health and bring greater ease and joy to your life.

PMS & Difficult Periods

Stop struggling with mood swings, painful cramps, irregular periods and heavy bleeding. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we recognize that hormonal shifts, lifestyle stress and diet can all affect your monthly cycle. We’ll work together to address these factors in a holistic way, including by using acupuncture and herbal formulations to balance the systems that support hormones and return your body back to balance. We also seek to empower you to recognize these fluctuations in your body, so you can easily address them through diet and lifestyle changes.

Fertility & IVF Support

Get the support you need to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Whether you’re looking to boost your fertility naturally, freezing your eggs, or undergoing IVF, we can give you the nurturing care you need. We partner with you to explain the natural processes that are happening in your body and help you experience a healthy flow into fertility.

Clinical fertility treatments require you to take hormones to increase the development of eggs for harvesting. We use acupuncture and herbs to help you metabolize these hormones quickly, so you can experience this process with a hopeful and positive outlook. We also help you process the many emotions you may be experiencing and help your nervous system relax.

To prepare your body for implantation and pregnancy, we’ll strengthen your body’s ability to embed and hold the fertilized egg. We customize your treatments for what your body most needs and to correct for any system imbalances to encourage a healthy pregnancy.

Prenatal & Postnatal Care

We can help you experience a healthy, easeful pregnancy, labor and postnatal recovery. Early in your pregnancy, we can use acupuncture to help you hold the pregnancy and ease nausea and vomiting. As you enter the second and third trimesters, you may experience common discomforts, such as back pain, headaches, bloating and indigestion, which we can safely and naturally treat with acupuncture and herbs. We can also use acupuncture to support your baby’s development (we call these the happy baby points!) during the final trimester.

Traditional Chinese Medicine can be helpful in preparing you for labor, and we recommend patients begin treatments at 28 weeks if possible to allow for the best outcomes. Acupuncture and moxibustion can help move your baby into the proper position, even if they are presenting as breech. We’ll also provide you with treatments to relax your ligaments, increase your oxytocin and strengthen your body for labor. If you’re past your due date, we can even help induce your labor and begin your body’s natural process for childbirth.

Postnatal care can be important for helping you recover after childbirth. We’ll help balance your systems and hormones postnatally to ensure you are supported and cared for in the early days of parenthood.

Perimenopause & Menopause

When we enter our 40s, hormones begin to fluctuate, which may cause depression, fatigue, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, headaches and worsening PMS symptoms. You may at first assume these are signs that you’re getting older (and you’d be right!). But more importantly they’re the results of hormonal shifts, which we can treat naturally with acupuncture and herbs. By treating these early hormonal shifts, we can give you relief and help you learn to care for yourself during perimenopause.

The perimenopause years can be some of the most challenging — when you’re most likely to experience hot flashes, mood swings, sleep problems, fatigue, brain fog, and unpredictable periods. We’ll support you with acupuncture and herbs to address the hormonal fluctuations and relax your nervous system. We’ll also work with you to identify how best to take care of yourself and your hormone health through diet and lifestyle, to ensure you continue living a healthy, thriving life.

When you enter into menopause, we focus on relieving any continuing symptoms you may experience after your body stops producing high levels of estrogen. We will customize your treatment plan to support bone health, address fatigue and brain fog, and other health concerns.

Ready to Transform Your Health?

Learn more about booking an initial evaluation and how we can work together to stop the struggle and move you into a life of health and ease.